
13 March, 2013

The British Raj of today

The British used to drain our country's wealth for their personal prosperity.
... And it still continues till date.

The main function of the Government was to collect taxes.
... And it still continues till date.

During the British regime, the cities flourished at the expense of villages.
... And it still continues till date.

Judicial courts were mere instruments to sustain the British rule.
... And it still continues till date.

Indian soldiers were used to fight international wars.
... And it still continues till date.

The British divided people on the basis of religion to strengthen their domination.
... And it still continues till date.

Protests by tribals and villagers were either ignored or quelled.
... And it still continues till date.

Indigenous industries were crushed.
... And it still continues till date.

Dissenting voices were subjected to torture.
... And it still continues till date.

Who said India got independence in 1947?
Only the ruler has changed.