
29 June, 2009

Our Aware Ignorance…?

We live in a world of duality.
Just Imagine: You are settled abroad. You work there…
…Suddenly, you meet an Indian! Your happiness knows no bounds…You show warm affection to him. There is generosity…kindness…and a sign of affection.
You will treat him like your family…
Now, here comes the interesting part…
You live in India. You meet hundreds…and thousands…and lakhs of Indians.
Do you ever treat them as the way you would do to an Indian abroad?
Just think about it…what do we exactly do? how do we behave?
We normally do nothing but snub the person standing next to us in a train…so all we do is AVOID THE PERSON!
Why all this?
Why this double-standard?
Value your fellow countrymen…
Value your Indianness!