
15 August, 2009

An Independence Of It's Own...

First of all, wishing you all a very HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!

I don't know why, but I just feel like addressing you all...

I would like to pay my respects all those men and women who strived for our freedom. I also want to salute the soldiers who continuously patrol our international borders and maintain our independence. From the bottom of my heart, I express gratitude to those genius minds and skilled hands which have shaped India the way it is now!

We are entering into the 63rd year of our independence...

Independence is basically freedom and being self-sufficient and self-reliant. But in the same way, it does not give us the right to judge, abuse, or punish others. We have our fundamental rights, but we also need to be aware of our duties. Tagging others as something is neither our right nor our duty. Mahatma Gandhiji said it so wonderfully, "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes".

Along with rights and duties, we also need to imbibe patriotism in ourselves. Henry James once said, "Patriotism is like charity - it begins at home".

As we enter this 63rd year of independence, we need to refine our thoughts and actions. We ought to have an independent thinking pattern and independent actions. Let us not depend on others for just about everything! We all need to be self-reliant...

Also, I request you to read two of my posts related to this theme:

The Return Of The Great Nehruvian Speech

Our (Namesake) National Pledge...

We all are a part of Independent India (as many would call it)....

But I am still not convinced that India is independent...since we are still shackled by the claws of terrorism, unemployment, poverty, corruption and other matters...

We need to get up and work towards a better India!

If you consider yourself a responsible citizen of India, then please take this pledge and follow it with enthusiasm and determination -

I, a citizen of India, on the occasion of Independence Day (dated: 15 August, 2009), solemnly swear that I shall give it my all to see a better, developed India. I shall contribute to the empowerment and prosperity of the people of India. Let there be peace and glory...and let the truth prevail. Amen.

So, as a concluding part, please listen to the national anthem with renewed energy and spirit and with a resolve to bring about a change in the nation: National Anthem Of India