Many scientists, philosophers and thinkers debate about the existence of God. However, this topic has no logical end...
So, do you believe God exists? If yes, can you prove it? And if no, can you prove it?
This modern world demands a lot of proof and evidence, thus every statement you make must actually make sense.
In this post, I am going to prove the existence of God! Believe it or not, I have also photographed God! Seems interesting..?? ...then read on...
First of all, I want to show you how God reality, there are infinite forms of God. But there is only 1 God...
The following pictures are that of The Supreme Being:

Confused? Shocked? Puzzled? Astonished? Read on for the explanation...
Let me clarify 1 universal thing - There is God in every one of us.
Here's the proof:
Let us take any body part, for instance, the heart. What's in the heart? Tissues, muscles, nerves...right? To be very specific, there are molecules and atoms...And in these atoms, there is ENERGY.
We all know 'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another'.
Similarly, how do you define GOD? I define it as 'God can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another'.
Did you get it? ENERGY = GOD
This means there is God in every cell, molecule, tissue, muscle,etc. of our human body.
Let me get back to my clarification - There is God in every one of us. Every time we think bad of others, injure others mentally or physically...or think malice, we are actually insulting The Supreme Being and The Creator.
Think as if you are in heaven and there are Gods around kind, compassionate, grateful, polite, sweet and friendly to everybody you meet. Because when you act good to people, you are, in fact, respecting God.
Well, this is my perspective of God. I welcome your views and suggestions regarding this controversial topic.
So, on a lighter note, should we sing 'Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai' (Translated As: I see God in you)?!
So, do you believe God exists? If yes, can you prove it? And if no, can you prove it?
This modern world demands a lot of proof and evidence, thus every statement you make must actually make sense.
In this post, I am going to prove the existence of God! Believe it or not, I have also photographed God! Seems interesting..?? ...then read on...
First of all, I want to show you how God reality, there are infinite forms of God. But there is only 1 God...
The following pictures are that of The Supreme Being:

Confused? Shocked? Puzzled? Astonished? Read on for the explanation...
Let me clarify 1 universal thing - There is God in every one of us.
Here's the proof:
Let us take any body part, for instance, the heart. What's in the heart? Tissues, muscles, nerves...right? To be very specific, there are molecules and atoms...And in these atoms, there is ENERGY.
We all know 'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another'.
Similarly, how do you define GOD? I define it as 'God can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another'.
Did you get it? ENERGY = GOD
This means there is God in every cell, molecule, tissue, muscle,etc. of our human body.
Let me get back to my clarification - There is God in every one of us. Every time we think bad of others, injure others mentally or physically...or think malice, we are actually insulting The Supreme Being and The Creator.
Think as if you are in heaven and there are Gods around kind, compassionate, grateful, polite, sweet and friendly to everybody you meet. Because when you act good to people, you are, in fact, respecting God.
Well, this is my perspective of God. I welcome your views and suggestions regarding this controversial topic.
So, on a lighter note, should we sing 'Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai' (Translated As: I see God in you)?!